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本課程共包含影音共 12h 05m 45s 及作業 0 份


生活藝術 The Art of Life 授課綱要




1. 加強人文素養的教育,培養內在的美德修養。

2. 介紹多元文化,擴大思考領域,激發學生文化藝術的興趣。

3. 強化學生自主學習能力,增加學生生活豐富性,提昇個人生活品質。


強化人文素養,探討大學藝術教育的展望,簡介生活藝術各領域的主要概念,引導學生認識生活藝術核心內容,包括生活禮儀、休閒旅遊、傳統藝術、人際溝通藝術、表演藝術、戲劇與人生等,幫助學生奠定藝術人文教育的知識基礎。培養內在的美德修養,透過學習讓學生體會到文化藝術與生活密切結合的面向,欣賞與接納不同文化的藝術表現方式。  擴大思考領域,配合上課主題,鼓勵學生課後欣賞二場次以上音樂、戲劇、舞蹈、博物館…等各種藝術活動,讓學生瞭解廿一世紀新思維、人文藝術及生活新議題,進而關懷台灣社會,建立「多元文化觀」與批判思考的能力。 提昇個人生活品質,學生在課程中認識傳統戲曲、戲劇、藝術活動、人際互動、禮儀、音樂欣賞、旅遊,在平時的休閒活動當中,增加對傳統文化及藝術活動的接觸與參與,更能傳承與創新這些文化資產,以發展新的契機。  

英文課程描述Course Description 

Education to improve humanities, this course discusses prospects of Art Education in the university. It is an introduction to the main concepts in the art of life, guidance for students to understand the core of living arts, including daily etiquette, leisure, tourism, traditional arts, communication arts, performing arts, plays, and life, and a foundation of human arts to students. Developing inner virtue and self-cultivation The course enables students to understand the integration of cultures, arts, and life, appreciate and respect different forms of presenting arts in various cultures. 

Encouraging out-of-box thinking. according to course topics, students are encouraged to participate in at least two extra-curricular activities, such as musical events, plays, dancing performances, and visiting museums. The purpose is for students to grasp the fresh ideas of the twenty-first century and the new issues of humanities and arts, to care about the Taiwanese community, also to develop multiculturalism and critical thinking.  

Improving the quality of life. students are expected to learn from traditional dramas, plays, arts events, interpersonal interactions, etiquette, music, and tourism, Those casual activities enable them to get in touch and be involved with traditional cultures and arts events for cultural assets inheritance and innovation as well as new opportunities development.  

授課方式:■講述 ■案例說明 ■作品報告 ■其他

成績考核方式: ■期末考:40% 

■期末報告:60%   請同學於課程數場講座中,挑選一場講座撰寫心得報告。 此報告占分60%期末成績,請同學務必用心。 
